'google658fd05d77029796.html' No Man Is An Island Unto Himself | The Original Poetry

everyone is born alone
everyone dies alone
still we need people to live
sometime we take from people,
other time we give
this is the reality everybody know within themself
that no man is an island unto himself

life is like a see saw
sometime we are up,
other time we are down,
but this is the law
and we have to keep fighting,
hanging by the jaw
we should always have the loaded guns
in the moments of despair,
need the support of our dear ones

this is the reality everybody know within themself
that no man is an island unto himself

relationship is easy to gain
but very tough to maintain
sometime we are loved,
other time we are hated
for life is a game of chess
one wrong move,
and we stay mated
we have to give up our ego
even when we don't want to leave,
we have to go
this is the reality everybody know within themself
that no man is an island unto himself

Sourabh Kumar (Guest Writer)



6 Responses so far.

  1. odyzz says:

    absolutely correct ...

  2. Bushra says:

    How true.....no man is an island onto himself!!!!

  3. Anonymous says:

    Nice lines !

  4. odyzz says:

    I have nominated you for the liebster :) do check out this link

  5. Really nice poetry you have shared.

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